Monday, December 21, 2009

The Littlest King

In the near center of the Old Testament, highlighted for all to see, are prophetic words made plain regarding the coming Savior of the world. Some 740 years before His glory would illuminate a simple stable and the darkness that covered our lands, Isaiah’s words shined a light on the character of the One to come, the One given to save us from our sins.

Who is this Savior that was foretold centuries before His birth? Who is this babe, sent from heaven, Whom we celebrate on Christmas day? Was He only a harmless baby, perpetually remaining in our minds that iconic figure wrapped in swaddling clothes?

Or was He God’s own Son, given to us to walk where we walk, to live among us, to example to us true love and servitude to the Father? Was He the great I AM, come down from the Father to live, and then die for the remission of our sins? Was He the King of kings Whose reign on the supreme throne will never cease?

Will we only admire His likeness in nativity scenes during Christmastime, or will we worship Him as Lord, in spirit and in truth, all the days of our lives?

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given;
He would come to us not in the pretension of a king, but in the humble form of a babe;

And the government will be upon His shoulder.
All authority and power will be His. And indeed He purchased His kingdom by bearing upon his shoulders the instrument by which His life was given for ours;

And His name will be called Wonderful,
He is a miracle given for the redemption of all mankind;

Our all-knowing Advisor Who willingly gives wisdom to whomever asks it of Him;

Mighty God,
He is not only human, but He is God incarnate;

Everlasting Father,
He is our Abba-Daddy Who will forever keep us in His care;

Prince of Peace.
He is the Ruler of our souls, able to impart His peace no matter the circumstances that swirl around us;

Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end,
His eternal kingdom, unlike any other, will protect its inhabitants that they may live in harmony forever;

Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.
This Child Who would be born in the line of David will take His rightful place on the throne and will reign forever;

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Our God’s great passions for His people, for you and for me, will cause all things to come together to bring about His will, and nothing on earth or under the earth will thwart His perfect plan from coming to its ultimate and grand fruition.

(Isaiah 9:6-7) Italics mine.


  1. Thank you, Jesus!!!

    Beautifully put.


  2. Merry Christmas, thanks for the gift of this post.


Thanks for sharing!