Thursday, June 7, 2012

Life's a Crazy, Peculiar, Beautiful Puzzle

Some of us are straight-edged, some are curved on all sides.  Some stick out more than others.  Seems just about all of us have holes.  Some see part of a clear picture, others' are a bit fuzzy-some glitzy and some not.  Some are bright and cheery, others are muted and mysterious. 

But one thing's clear.

We are each an important piece of a grand puzzle, interlocked with countless other lives.  None of knows quite how we fit in or exactly how we'll look when this is all over.  As time goes on, we may catch a glimpse of the picture.  Only God knows for sure.

We are His masterpiece...His magnum opus.

Sometimes we try pushing our way into someplace we're not meant to be. Sometimes we feel like we've been off to the sidelines for a very, very long time. But we're each an integral part of His grand plan.

And if we'll trust Him, and go where He tells us...or trust Him, and wait...

He'll make something beautiful.

Right now things may look like just a jumbled up mess of shapes and colors. Circumstances don't make sense; the people we have in our lives don't always make sense.  But we fit into their picture, and they in ours.

And the final scene will be more beautiful than we can ever imagine.  

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Lord, help us to go where You tell us and do what You've designed us to do. Help us to wait when You want us to wait.  Help us to trust You through all our trials. Help us to love the people You've put in our lives. 

Help us to put our faith in You more and more each day, knowing that You are not a God Who doesn't care.  You love us and You're actively involved in our lives with good and godly purposes in mind.  

You are our Master.  Do with us what You will. 
In Jesus' Name,


  1. Wonderful sharing. Hits the nail on the head for me. Waiting is not easy at times, but i know from experience jumping ahead of God does not work at all. And as you mentioned trying to force your way into somewhere you don't belong is no good either.. I shall wait..Amen

  2. I am waiting, too. :) Thanks for stopping by, Toni.

  3. Wow, what a beautiful devotion. My life Scripture is Proverbs 3:45, and often I learn and re-learn to live by just trusting Him over and over. This verse reminds me to focus on Him, and I wait upon Him. Of course, chocolate eases the wait sooooo much more. I KNOW there's chocolate in Heaven! Bless You!

  4. What would a marriage supper be without chocolate? :) Bless you too!

  5. Thank you for sharing this lovely post. It's such an encouragement when things get messy to know that God's creating something beautiful!


Thanks for sharing!